Mar 17, 2009

aLL AbouT Me...

hi aLL My Friends... this is ochand's bLog!!
if You want to Know about me... pLease Check mY bLog.
I'm a Nice girL. Now, I'm stiLL Senior High SchooLL. But after that i wiLL be a University Student. I Love EngLish very much. and I want to sPeak engLish fLuentLy Like DanieL. RadcLiffe and another peopLe in London.. but I know that's no body's perfect in EngLish.
My IdoL is My God, My Phrophet and aLso My parents.
I'm so proud of with my parents. I want to make my parents happy.
I hope that I always give them the best.
I wiLL do the best for aLL peopLe.
And never give up.