• That’s very danger for you to…
• Dangerous!
Expressions of Love
• I love you
• I love you so much
• I love you baby
• I do care about you
• I love you just the way you are
• I really care about you
• I like you honey
• You are my love, sweet heart
• My dear, I always think about you
• I like you so much
Expressing Likes Expressing Dislike
- don’t mind
- like, (be) fond of, (be) keen on
- love, (be) crazy about, (be) a great fan of
- adore - can’t stand, can’t bear, detest
- hate
- dislike
Expressing Capability Expressing Incapability
a. Although my father is 60 years old, he is still capable of driving car well
b. The situation is capable of improvement
c. They think I have the qualifications needed for this job
d. Andi is able to draw anything well a. You don’t know anything about making a good writing
b. I don’t think you have tha ability to do this work
c. They are not able to play basketball well
d. I am incapable of speaking French
e. The girl knows nothing about chemistry
Expressing an Agreement Expressing disagreement
- I agree with your opinion
- I can go along with that
- I think so
- That’s what I want to say
- I am with you.
- I am on your ? his side - I disagree with you
- I am not with you
- I don’t think so
- I wouldn’t say that
- No, I don’t like the idea
Pernyataan lisan / tertulis yang ditujukan untuk memberitahukan sesuatu kepada orang banyak.
Pengumuman lisan minimal memuat:
a. Kepada siapa pengumuman tersebut ditujukan
b. Isi / maksud pengumuman tersebut
c. Singkat dan biasanya diakhiri ucapan terima kasih
Hal-hal yang diperhatikan dalam pengumuman bentuk tulisan:
1. judul atau jenis peristiwa (the title / type of an event)
2. tanggal atau waktu (date/ time)
3. tempat (place)
4. orang/ alamat yang dapat dihubungi (contact person/ address)
Informasi lisan atau tertulis yang dikirim atau ditinggalkan untuk seseorang karena pemberian pesan tidak dapat berbicara langsung dengan orang tersebut
Dear kids,
Mommy is going to the supermarket. Your lunch is on the table.
Sebuah pesan yang di tulis atau di cetak di atas kertas dan dikirimkan kepada seseorang
Surat dapat berbentuk:
1. Surat resmi (formal) \, misalnya surat lamaran kerja dan surat kepada kepala sekolah
2. surat tidak resmi (informal), misalnya surat kepada saudara atau teman akrab
Bagian surat:
1. Alamat pengirim surat
2. Tanggal, bulan, tahun penulisan surat yang dapat berada di sebealh kanan atau kiri atas
3. Salam pebuka
4. Isi surat
5. Salam penutup
Jl. Pahlawan 162
October 12,2008
Dear Ratih,
How are you today? I hope you’re always fine
Ratih, I want to tell you about my new doll. I usually call it Clara. It’s my first Barbie doll. It’s so beautiful and elegant. It has blonde hair and red lips. It wears a red dress, too. Clara is a birthday present from my beloved mother. I’m so happy to have it. I can play for hours with her. One more thing that makes me happy. My mother bought Barbie clothes patterns and made several outfits for it. My mom is very nice, isn’t she?
That’s about my new doll. Do you have any dolls?
the heading
the date
the salutation
the body of the letter
the complimentary close
the signature
Pengumuman atau promosi secara umum tentang sebuah produk atau jasa
Media iklan komersial meliputi papan iklan/ pengumuman (billboards), radio, televise, majalah, surat kabar, pamphlet, dan sebagainya.
Lembaran tipis yang berisi informasi tentang sesuatu hal
Tujuan brosur adalah mengiklankan atau mempromosikan sesuatu
Ciri-ciri brosur:
1. Menggunakan headlines, terdiri atas kalimat- kalimat yang pendek dan sederhana
2. Menggunakan jenis dan ukuran hurufyang mudah dibaca
3. Meyakinkan pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu atau membeli produk tertentu
4. Menjelaskan sisi balik sebuah produk
5. Mencantumkan alamat atau orang yang dapat dihubungi dengan jelas
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News Item (Berita)
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose)
Memberitakan kepada pembaca, pendengar/penonton tentang peristiwa-peristiwa atau kejadian-kejadian yang dipandang penting atau layak diberitakan.
b. Struktur Teks (Text Structure)
Kejadian inti
Latar belakang: elaborasi kejadian, orang yang terlibat, tempat kejadian, dsb.
Sumber informasi: komentar saksi kejadian, pendapat para ahli, dsb.
c. Ciri kebahasaan menggunakan:
Informasi singkat tertuang dalam headline menggunakan action verbs, saying verbs, misal say, tell, dsb. Menggunakan kata keterangan, misalnya badly injured, the most beautiful bride in the worl, dsb.
Contoh teks News Item
Town Contaminated
Moscow- A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another soviet nuclesr catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Yelena Vazrshaskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotova-22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobly disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents war told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of contaminated material were sworn to secrery.
A board of investigation was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy
Teks yang menjelaskan atau memberi petunjuk cara/langkah – langkah membuat atau melakukan sesuatu.
Generic Structure: Aim/Goal - Materials/Tools - Steps/Methods
Aim/Goal, misalnya: How to make Brownies Cake
Materials berisi: bahan - bahan dan atau alat - alat untuk membuat Brownies tersebut
Note: Materials are not required for all Procedure text
Steps/Methods berisi: langkah - langkah membuat Brownies
Contoh Teks Procedure:
1. How to make Lemonade
For each glass use:
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
- 2 tablespoons of sugar.
- 1 glass of water
1. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a cup.
2. Take out the seeds.
3. Pour two tablespoons of juice into glass.
4. Add sugar
5. Add water and stir well
6. Taste the lemonade. You may want to add more sugar or more lemon to make it taste just right
7. Put it in ice cubes. A drop of red food coloring will make pink lemonade
What you’ll need :
v 1 cup of peanuts
v 3 cups of brown sugar
v 2 tablespoons of vinegar
v 1 cup of water
What to do :
Place the sugar, water and vinegar into a large saucepan.
Stir slowly over a low heat until the sugar is disolved
Add peanuts , increase the heat and allow to boil
Remove from the heat when the nuts have craked and the mixture appears golden brown
Allow bubbles to settle
Spoon into small paper patty cases or pour the mixture into a flat greased pan and mark into bite-size pieces.
Makes enough Peanut Crunch for six people.
Anecdote (cerita lucu)
a. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose)
Menceritakan kejadian/peristiwa lucu berdasarkan khayalan atau peristiwa nyata yang bertujuan menghibur.
b. Struktur Teks (Text Structure)
Koda (prubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita)
c. Ciri kebahasaan menggunakan:
Seruan/kata seru, pertanyaan retorik dan kata-kata seperti Listen to this! And do you know what? It’s awful, isn’t it? dsb
Action verbs, misalnya go, write, dsb.
Conjuctions yang berhubungan dengan waktu, seperti then, afterwards, dsb.
d. Contoh Teks Anecdote
Reaction/ tindakan
Coda/ koda Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncles, who was rich died and left Dave a lot of money.
So he decided to set up his own real estate agency.
He had only been there for a few hours when he heard some onr coming towards the door of hos offoce.
“It’s my first customer!” he thought. He quickly p[icked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.
The man knocked at the door while this was going on, came in and waited politely for the agent to finish his conversation. Then he said to me, “I’m from the telephone company, and I was sent here to connect your telephone.”
Teks yang memberikan penilaian atau kritik terhadap peristiwa atau karya seni untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai, misalnya film, partunjukan, buku, dan barang.
Ciri- ciri
Fokus pada partisipan tertentu
Menggunakan adjectives untuk menunjukkan sikap, seperti bad dan good
Menggunakan klausa panjang dan kompleks
Menggunakan metaphor
Struktur teks
Orientation : pengenalan hal yang di angkat
1. Evaluation : evaluasi atau penilaian
2. In terpretive recount : ringkasan ceita, tafsir
3. Evaluative summation : rangkuman
Children's Books
Title: Willis the Warthog
Author: Patsy Smith Roberts
Publisher: Savuti Muti Publishing
Reviewed by: Erika Reise
Willis is a confident warthog living in the African country of Botswana who tries to instill the same confidence in his sister, Greta. They are often called ugly by other animals that live around them, but Willis keeps his tail up high and tells Greta to ''always believe in yourself.''
Willis and Greta find themselves in a dangerous situation where Willis must protect his sister by risking his own life. Willis ultimately loses his tail, which makes him question his pride, but Greta reminds him gratefully that he in fact saved her life, and that he once told her she must always believe in herself.
Throughout the adventure, we meet Willis' animal friends and foes, and gain a real sense of what the Botswanian surroundings are like. There is even more information in the back of the book for young readers interested in knowing more about warthogs and other African facts.
Patsy Smith Roberts has told the story not only with words, but also with her candid wildlife photography capturing the characters beautifully. Also engaging are the little warthog sketches by Willis M. Everett III that add a lively touch to the book. Overall, this is a very timeless, warm story that will delight many young readers for years to come.
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